Looking Forward to Your Career in Digital Media | Career Routes |
Careers In Culture
Digital Media - What You Need to Do
What Do Digital Media People Do?
Behind each exciting Digital Media product or service is a special mix of people who work together, combining their creative, artistic, technical, design and business skills.
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Digital Media People
Digital Media People

Buys expertise from a digital media company to develop an online product.
Digital media company owner
Manages the company in order to meet its sales goals.
Account manager / Salesperson
Sells internet services to clients.
Project manager
Assembles the online development team and provides overall direction.
Manages and provides support services for online systems.
Internet programmer
Uses specialized programming languages to develop an online site.
Website developer / Content developer
Develops the content for Web pages.
New technology designer
Helps the company respond to rapid changes in technology.
Art director / Graphic design manager
Creates the overall visual appearance for online production.
Graphic artist
Prepares the graphis that appear on the Web site.
Creates 2-D or 3-D animation for an online product.
Audio producer
Produces sound elements for online use.
Video producer
Produces video elements for an online product.
Internet trainer
Develops training programs for online delivery.
Online technical writer
Writes help and reference documents for people using technical equipment.
Internet serivce provider
Provides users with access to the internet.
Internet technician
Specifies, installs and services internet systems.
Are you interested in building great content?
Then build your technical know-how and be prepared for intense teamwork that requires great interpersonal skills.
Gaming Industry
Growth in the Canadian interactive games industry is particularly strong and expected to continue to grow! Between 2009 and 2011 the industry grew approximately 11%. The Canadian videogames industry has proven to be resilient in its ability to create jobs and is forecasted to grow in the coming years. Did you know that the global interactive games industry is expected to reach $86.8 billion USD by 2014? It is estimated that 16,000 Canadians are currently employed in the games industry alone.
In the interactive Digital Media subsector, there were 7,424 establishments registered in 2009, four of which were large, 37 of which were medium-sized, 379 of which were small and 2,539 of which were micro-sized.
The real value added output (GDP) of the interactive Digital Media domain in 2009 was estimated to be $2.4 billion.
Canadian consumer spending on interactive Digital Media was $1.5 billion in 2008.
CHRC, HR Trends and Issues, 2010.
"Games are encroaching more and more on Hollywood's territory. Indeed, they now have budgets to rival those of the biggest movie blockbusters – in some cases, more than $200 million. The studios that make them regularly hire directors, scriptwriters and effects artists, not to mention whole orchestras to supply the scores."
Developing the Products of the Future
Digital Media is changing constantly and rapidly. No one knows what next year will bring, much less the next 10 years. The only thing that's certain is that there will be new technologies, new consumer demands, new products and occupations which do not exist now!