Cultural Human Resources Council
In this issue!
Numerous Respectful Workplaces in the Arts (RWA) workshops on the way! Thanks to Canadian Heritage funding, we continue to offer RWA Workshops online till mid-March. The workshops are intended for non-profit organizations and cultural workers in any of the cultural disciplines or industries: managers, administrators, technical personnel, Board members, volunteers and, obviously, artists. Open invitations are being held for participants in each province and territory. Sign up via Eventbrite by clicking on the links below. Organizations and individuals may reserve up to 8 “spots” in the workshop. PARTICIPATION IS FREE, however, if you reserve, we kindly request that you mark your calendar and attend. Workshops are limited to a total of 90 participants. The CHRC-led workshop calendar appears below. Organizations that can bring together anywhere between 8 and 90 participants are invited to request to host a workshop.
For a QC English-language workshop, please request to host a workshop. Pour un atelier francophone en Alberta, Colombie-Britannique, Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Nouvelle-Écosse, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, Terre-Neuve et Labrador, Territoires du Nord-Ouest ou au Yukon, nous vous invitons à faire une demande d'atelier. RWA workshop agenda
Short intro Canadian Heritage and CHRC are offering Respectful Workplaces in the Arts workshops to encourage better workplace practices and behaviours. The workshops cover information on Provincial and Territorial legislation, definitions of harassment and bullying as well as case-studies to navigate the complexities of problematic situations. These workshops are not legal nor therapy clinics, they are conversations facilitated by experienced cultural sector leaders. Resources are discussed to help individuals and organizations towards contributing to better work environments and/or to develop their own policies/codes of conduct.
Our Cross Sectoral Recovery Roundtables (CSRR) has brought many organizations together to discuss the effects of the pandemic and the crucial elements to be considered between now and recovery. Please see the first CHRC report on the discussions to date. Thank you to all our contributors!
Don’t forget to sign up or renew! N.b., new membership perks will be announced soon…
ATTENTION EMPLOYERS! YOUNG CANADA WORKS at Building Careers in Heritage INTERNSHIPS A first-work experience in arts practice, cultural management or arts administration for college and university graduates! CHRC is already accepting employers’ applications for the YCW 2021-2022 program. Deadline for application: January 29, 2021 For additional info:
Current Job Postings
CHRC members receive a 25% discount on job postings!
Executive Director: Grégoire Gagnon Project Managers: Lucie D'Aoust (Respectful Workplaces in the Arts and YCW) Finance Officer: Erma Barnett Webmaster: Michael Lechasseur A list of Board members can be found on CHRC's web site. |
Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) |